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Koskenkorva aims to be world’s most sustainable vodka

Finnish brand Koskenkorva has taken a bold step in its goal to become the world’s most sustainable vodka by using regeneratively-farmed barley.

Koskenkorva Climate Action Vodka
Koskenkorva is aiming to be the world’s most sustainable vodka brand

Described as the world’s first vodka made from regeneratively-farmed barley, Koskenkorva Vodka Climate Action offers a sustainable choice to conscious consumers.

The brand is heavily focused on promoting regenerative farming, cultivation methods that aim to convert fields from emission sources into carbon sinks. The move helps to mitigate climate change and protect biodiversity.

The product was created in partnership with the Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG), a foundation that seeks to restore the ecological balance of the Baltic Sea.

“Koskenkorva Vodka Climate Action takes the brand yet another step closer to its goal of being the world’s most sustainable vodka,” said Suvi Reinikkala, marketing director of spirits at Anora Group, owner of Koskenkorva Vodka.

“We want to provide consumers with more sustainable choices and show how we can create inspiring brand experiences while also protecting our planet.”

Koskenkorva vodka barley
Koskenkorva uses more than 200m kilos of barley a year

If regenerative farming was used on all the world’s croplands and pastures forever, up to 322 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide could potentially be removed from the atmosphere. This is 10 times the current amount of yearly global emissions.

As part of its sustainability strategy, Anora will train its contract farmers in regenerative farming methods and aims to increase the share of regeneratively farmed barley to 30% in its own grain spirits products by 2030.

In 2022, two of Anora’s contract farmers used regenerative methods, and this year Anora has made contracts with 18 new farmers, significantly increasing the amount of regeneratively farmed barley in Anora’s production.

Anora’s regenerative farming initiative forms part of BSAG’s Carbon Action Farming Platform, which includes 100 farms and more than 1,000 farmers in Finland with a mission to farm more sustainably.

The Koskenkorva distillery, located in the Finnish village of Koskenkorva, is a forerunner in circular economy. The distillery uses 100% of the barley grain and has a recycling and reutilisation rate of 99.9%.

Thanks to the bioenergy power plant and the use of renewable energy, CO2 emissions have decreased by 46% since 2014.

As a result of these sustainability efforts at the Koskenkorva distillery, Anora was awarded the Green Company of the Year award in The Drinks Business Green Awards in 2018.

Furthermore, production at the Koskenkorva distillery is on track to become carbon neutral by 2026.

Anora is aiming for its own production to be carbon neutral by 2030 as part of its sustainability roadmap, called Regenerate the Future.

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