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Hayman’s Gin brings distillation in-house

Hayman Distillers has brought production of its gin portfolio in-house with the installation of a dedicated still at its bottling and blending plant in Witham, Essex.

Miranda, Christopher and James Hayman in front of Marjorie, the latest addition to the Hayman family

The English gin distiller, which this year celebrates its 150th anniversary, has installed a 450-litre copper pot still – named Marjorie – at its existing premises in Witham, moving distillation from London’s Thames Distillers to the site.

The move is part of the family-owned company’s plans to gain “much better control over the production” of Hayman’s Gins. The group claims a “considerable” increase in volume over the past few years has allowed the group to bring distillation in-house.

“All Hayman’s gins are now distilled in Witham and will continue to be bottled there, as previously,” said Christopher Hayman, chairman of Hayman Distillers. “Our process remains the same, for example we steep the botanicals for a full day prior to distillation, which is what gives our gins their distinctive flavour.”

The installation of Marjorie – which was handmade by German still crafter Carl – comes soon after a revamp of the Hayman’s Gin range to better emphasise its heritage as a family gin distiller.

Despite the move, Hayman Distillers will retain its 20% share in Thames Distillers.


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