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New chilli vodka ‘200 times hotter’ than Tabasco

Maverick Drinks has launched a new variant of its Naga Chilli Vodka, which is said to be 200 times hotter than Tabasco Sauce.

500,000 Scovilles Naga Chilli Vodka is twice as hot as its predecessor

The ‘Hot Enough’ Vodka Company – part of Maverick Drinks – said the 500,000 Scovilles Naga Chilli Vodka is also twice as hot as its 250,000 Scovilles Naga Chilli Vodka, touted as the world’s hottest chilli vodka when first released in 2012.

The vodka is created using pure wheat spirit and Naga Jolokia chillies, which Maverick claims are used by the Indian armed forces as a key ingredient in their chilli-based tear gas grenades.

While industrial-grade sealing wire sealed 250,000 Scovilles Naga Chilli Vodka, the new, hotter variant is presented in a canister that is “specifically designed to keep people out”.

“Fans of ‘nice things’ (as opposed to deeply unsettling, and almost completely undrinkable things) should probably run while they can. You have been warned,” said Maverick Drinks.

The ‘Hot Enough’ Vodka Company was launched in 2012. Its Scovilles range of vodkas is named after the unit used to measure the heat of chillis.

500,000 Scovilles Naga Chilli Vodka is available from Master of Malt and other retailers at an RRP of £32.95.

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