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Runaway bull sedated with vodka and grain

A German farmer has caught a runaway bull by getting it drunk on vodka mixed into animal feed.

A German farmer has caught a dangerous runaway bull by spiking its grain with vodka

The animal had been evading capture six months by hiding in the Bavarian woods, but concerns around public safety were so serious that a local farmer had asked veterinarians for permission to shoot and kill it.

However, according to The Daily Mail, this measure was considered too drastic so the farmer decided to spike grain at a neighbouring farm with vodka after the animal wandered into the area.

The bull ate the feed, but it was clear one bottle of vodka was not quite enough to sedate the beast, so the farmer added the contents of a second bottle.

The animal then quickly became intoxicated, allowing the farmer to lead it into a secure barn and tether it there.

Initial attempts to tranquilise the animal or capture it while it fed had failed.

The bull has now been reunited with its owners, who live near near Regensburg in Germany.


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