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Angostura defends rum age statements

The acting CEO of Trinidad-based rum and bitters producer Angostura Holdings has fiercely defended the “integrity” of the company following local press reports that the firm’s rum production is “under audit”.

Angostura has faced criticism over its alleged sourcing policies

The Trinidad Express claimed on 3 December that Angostura is “buying bulk rum” and repackaging it for sale, “in breach of the European Union’s rules of origin”. The report also claims this “raises questions” over “age claims” for the rums, citing Angostura board documents as a source.

Angostura’s acting CEO Genevieve Jodhan has hit back at the reports in a statement defending the international branded rums portfolio.

“The integrity of Angostura’s international branded rums is not under audit,” said Jodhan.

“All our international branded rum products are aged and meet international standards.”

The Angostura statement continues: “The company is ISO certified, which allows its products to enter export markets. In addition to this, Angostura uses the official standard for Caribbean Rums – the West Indian Rum Producers Association’s (WIRSPA) Authentic Caribbean Rum marquee for all its branded aged rums, guaranteeing age claims made.”

Jodhan took over as acting CEO from incumbent Robert Wong in October, when he went on a period of leave.

The Spirits Business has contacted Angostura for further comment.

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