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Plans tabled for Highland whisky distillery

Proposals have been submitted to transform an old farm site into a Scotch whisky distillery and tasting room, which at full capacity would be able to produce one million litres annually.

If plans are approved, The Ardross Distillery will start production in summer 2018

New company Ardross Investments Ltd has submitted a planning application to The Highland Council to build The Ardross Distillery on the Ardross Estate, converting 19th century farm steadings.

Documents in the application state that the distillery will “use traditional process methods” and will include a “tasting lodge”, a small “whisky experience” centre and traditional dunnage warehouse.

Once completed, The Ardross Distillery will be of similar scale to that of Ballindalloch – Scotland’s first single estate Scotch whisky distillery that started production in 2014.

The design of the distillery is described as a combination of the modern and the traditional.

The council’s planning committee will now consider the application following consultation with members of the public. If approved, the distillery will start production in summer 2018.

At the start of this month, The Ardgowan Distillery Company tabled proposals to build a whisky distillery and visitor attraction on the Ardgowan Estate, in the Scottish Lowlands.

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