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Devon’s first whisky distillery seeks alcohol licence

After surpassing its Kickstarter campaign target of £25,000, Dartmoor Whisky Distillery has formally applied for a premises licence to add a bistro bar to the site.

Dartmoor Whisky Company raised £30,056 in just 45 days on Kickstarter

The team behind what is set to be Devon’s first whisky distillery has applied to Teignbridge Council for a premises licence after reaching a total of £30,056 in just 45 days in an online crowdfunding campaign.

The online appeal attracted 363 backers hailing from countries such as Australia, Hong Kong, Germany and Japan.

Based in the town hall of Bovey Tracey, which was built in 1866, the new distillery will feature a visitor’s centre, souvenir shop and bistro bar, as well as craft workshops.

Dartmoor Whisky Distillery will produce single malt whisky, using barley grown by Tim Cox at Preston Farm, Dartmoor, and the spirit will be aged in hree barrel types; American oak Bourbon, French oak wine, and Spanish oak sherry barrels.

A spokesman told Torquay Herald Express: “We will be creating a bistro bar in the distillery. We want to create a space where visitors and locals can come and enjoy a bite to eat, or just some olives, with a glass of wine, local spirit or Devon ale.

“We will, of course, house a very wide selection of whiskies, including our very own Dartmoor Whisky, once it has aged.

“We will be opening in the evenings and hosting live music events, theatre productions and entertainment, hoping to be a focal point for the town and its local residents, while contributing to the overall whisky distillery visitor’s experience.”

The company is currently restoring the building, and aims to have a traditional Alembic still from Cognac installed and distilling by the autumn.

Greg Millar, co-founder of Dartmoor Whisky, added: “We have been overwhelmed with everybody’s support, both locally and from around the world.

“Thank you to everybody who reached into their pockets to support us and be part of Devon’s first whisky distillery.”

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