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Pimm’s appoints Murray ‘chief foliage officer’

After she sent a social media complaint to Pimm’s, the Diageo-owned brand has appointed Judy Murray as its ‘chief foliage officer’ for the tennis season.

Judy Murray has taken up the role of ‘chief foliage officer’ at Pimm’s

As part of the partnership, Murray is fronting an educational video aimed at bartenders to communicate the correct amount of mint to be used in a serve.

Judy Murray sent the offending tweet complaint on 2 July 2015 during the Wimbledon Championships tennis tournament. In the tweet, she criticised the “foliage overdose” garnishing her drink.

Now the brand has brought her onboard as “chief foliage officer” to front the ‘Mint Management” training video, released to “avoid any more foliage blunders”.

“My recipe for a perfect summer’s afternoon is a delicious glass of Pimm’s – and some great tennis,” said Murray.

“Jamie and Andy can take care of the tennis bit – I’ll be focusing on making sure we get the right amount of mint in our Pimm’s”.

Elly Martin, Pimm’s brand manager, added “We’re delighted to welcome Judy to the team as our newly appointed Pimm’s chief foliage officer.

“Mint management is key to a great glass of Pimm’s and we know Judy is a perfectionist and doesn’t settle for second best.”

Earlier this month, Pimm’s created a giant jelly Buckingham Palace to celebrate being the official tipple of The Patron’s Lunch.


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