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Redlands Distillery sells minority stake

Tasmania’s single estate Redlands Distillery has sold a 12% equity interest in its business to investment firm Australian Whisky Holdings (AWH).

Redlands Distillery describes itself as Australia’s only “paddock to bottle” whisky distillery

AWH, formerly Montec International Ltd, has made an initial investment of AU$300,000 in the site, described as Australia’s only “paddock to bottle” distillery.

In addition to the distillery itself and associated equipment, the investment deal includes approximately 7,000 litres of age single malt whisky.

In a statement to the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), Kenneth Lee, company secretary at Sydney-based AWH, said the acquisition represents a “logical step in the overall business strategy” of AWH.

There are six initial shareholders in Redlands Distillery, including Bill Lark, founder of fellow Tasmanian distillery Lark Whisky Distillery.

In January 2014, Lark Whisky Distillery acquired Tasmania’s Old Hobart Distillery, owner of the Overeem Tasmanian whisky brand. The brands produced by both companies were, however, kept as separate entities.

Redlands Distillery grows its own Franklin Brewing Barley to distill and offers buyers a ‘provenance tracker’ that includes the date of when the barley was planted, harvested, steeped and malted, as well as other distillation and maturation information.

The company also makes a range of schnapps and liqueurs using Tasmanian produce.

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