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How did these spirits brands perform in 2015?

Economic, political and cultural influences steered the course of the spirits world this year, but were the predicted fortunes of our brands to watch in 2015 realised?

Did our predictions for 2015 come true?

While investment in the spirits industry continued to soar in 2015, the overall performance of individual categories was a mixed bag, meaning the annual story of some brands was markedly different to others.

Although consumer interest may have helped brands weather the worst of the global economic crisis, geopolitical and macroeconomic headwinds persisted throughout the year, bringing with them fresh challenges.

However, despite testing times, the spirits sector is gradually lifting as signs of recovery spread optimism, with 2016 looking to be a year of steady recovery.

Back in December last year, The Spirits Business predicted what surprises 2015 would have in store, and selected the brands we believed would hold the most promise in the year

Click through the following pages to see if any of our predictions came true:

The Vodka Brands to Watch in 2015
The Scotch Brands to Watch in 2015
The World Whisky Brands to Watch in 2015
The Cognac and Brandy Brands to Watch in 2015
The Rum Brands to Watch in 2015
The Gin Brands to Watch in 2015
The Tequila Brands to Watch in 2015
The Liqueurs and Speciality Spirits Brands to Watch in 2015

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