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Stricter alcohol laws prevent ‘hazardous’ drinking

Study reveals stricter legal alcohol regulations have a “preventative effect” on young men, except those who exhibit “a tendency towards sensation-seeking or anti-social behaviour”.

The more legal measures for alcohol prevention there are, the less likely young men are to drink “excessively”

The national study by the University of Zurich revealed the more legal measures for alcohol prevention there are, such as such as a minimum legal drinking age and restrictions on the sale or advertising of alcoholic beverages, the less likely young men are to drink “excessively”.

However, the survey of around 5,700 young Swiss men – who had a mean age of 20 – also revealed this was not true for “high risk” consumers with an “above-average” tendency towards sensation seeking or antisocial behaviour.
These are defined as men who “increasingly strive for new or exciting experiences, regardless of the risks”, with a tendency to “largely disregard laws and the concerns of others”.
According to the report, the figures recorded in Switzerland correspond with the results of studies from other countries.

Simon Foster, a scientist at the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute at the University of Zurich, said: “Evidently, it’s very difficult to reach the men who are most at risk with the existing preventive measures. This sub-group needs special preventive measures that are geared towards early detection and tailored to the personality profiles of the men affected.”

Earlier this month, a study revealed that 66% of young people believe alcohol is “not important” to their social lives, with “health consequences” cited as the most common reason for abstaining.

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