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Plans published for 50p minimum alcohol price

The Welsh government has published plans to impose a minimum unit price for alcohol in the country with a suggested 50p charge per unit.

The Welsh government has outlined plans to introduce a minimum unit price for alcohol

Researchers estimated the introduction of a 50p MUP would save almost £900 million over the course of 20 years by reducing crime and illness, with 50 fewer deaths each year.

Vaughan Gething, Wales’ deputy health minister, said the new legislation would “save lives, reduce rates of crime, help ensure valuable NHS resources are used wisely and help businesses by reducing absence from the workplace”.

“Evidence shows that introducing minimum unit price of 50p per unit would be effective in reducing alcohol consumption, alcohol-related harms and the costs associated with those harms,” Gething said.

“It will save lives, reduce rates of crime, help ensure valuable NHS resources are used wisely and help businesses by reducing absence from the workplace.

“This is a particularly well-targeted measure as it will only have a small impact on moderate drinkers and have the biggest impact on high-risk drinkers.”

Alcohol pricing had previously been part of a wider Public Health Bill, but will now be covered separately in order to avoid the risk of any EU judgement against it delaying other public health measures such as restrictions on e-cigarettes.

Members of the public are invited to share their views on the draft bill and the consultation will take place until December 2015.

In May, Scotland’s minimum unit pricing case headed to the European Court of Justice after the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) and other trade members argued it contravenes EU trading laws.

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