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Gin Mare offers tech detox weekend in Ibiza

Gin Mare is launching the “first” luxury technology detox centre in Ibiza to help consumers reconnect away from the digital world – the Daycare for Mobile Phones.

Gin Mare will launch the technology detox centre at its Villa Mare in Ibiza this September

The Daycare will open its doors on 11 September at the brand’s Villa Mare in Ibiza and will be completely free of charge to visitors wishing to “kick their technology addiction” through a range of activities designed to de-stress, including yoga, meditation, dance and the “purest” Mediterranean diet.

Gin Mare’s concept comes in the wake of figures highlighted by the most recent Technology Trends annual report by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers that showed people check their phones approximately 150 times a day.

“We are victims of information overload, hyperstimulated, trying to process too much,” said Neil Shah, stress management expert. “As much as one-third of people admits to feel symptoms of anxiety when away from their gadgets, showing an alarming growing need in our society for more disconnected time.

“Psychiatrist Edward Hallowell states that technology is the new cigarette: ‘People are becoming addicted without even realising it’.”

To gain a place at the Daycare, entrants must prove they are capable of living without their phones for 72 hours.

Applicants will receive a stress test kit delivered to their door with appropriate materials for a home-based mobile detox and a personalised hashtag for friends and relatives to send messages of support.

The participants who survive for 72 hours without their phones and receive the most messages of encouragement through their hashtags will be invited to the detox centre in Ibiza.

Enrolment is free via

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