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US lawmakers call for booze ban to ‘make a point’

Two politicians in the US state of Vermont have filed a bill to ban the sale of alcohol, but insist this is only to “make a point” of how lawmakers treat alcohol in comparison to marijuana.

Liberal Vermont politicians have proposed an alcohol ban in the state but “make a point” on the criminalisation of marijuana

The proposed bill would impose fines of US$1.00 to US$1,000,000, and up to 30 years in prison for any alcohol sales.

Progressive Representative Chris Pearson and Democrat Representative Jean O’Sullivan introduced the bill, but stressed they did not really support the bill, calling it “laughable”, Burlington Free Press reports.

However, the representatives said they were instead trying to stress their views that alcohol is less harmful than marijuana, which should be legalised.

“Whereas prohibiting the sale and possession of alcohol is a laughable suggestion, the commonsense reaction against this idea should be the same logic we use to consider the continued prohibition of marijuana,” Pearson told the Free Press.

He added that marijuana increases the chances of a fatal crash by 83%, while alcohol increases these odds by 575%

Bills to legalise the drug have been filed to Vermont’s House of Representatives and Senate, but so-far no votes have been cast.

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