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Skyy Vodka strengthens support for gay marriage

Gruppo Campari’s Skyy Vodka has once again lent its support for the legalisation of gay marriage in the US by expanding its partnership with the Toast to Marriage campaign.

Skyy Vodka is strengthening its support for gay marriage in the US in the run-up to a landmark legal decision

Launched in partnership with national organisation Freedom to Marry, the campaign advocates marriage for all ahead of the US Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage, which is expected this to be announced in June.

Skyy Vodka said it is expanding its partnership with Freedom to Marry to “confidently and loudly advocate marriage for all”.

“Skyy’s commitment to Toast To Marriage has evolved substantially since last year,” said Umberto Luchini, vice president of marketing at Campari America.

“Though we have supported the LGBT community for decades, we increased our participation in this important conversation last year. This year we are working hard to accelerate and amplify that discussion leading up to this key decision.”

From April through to the end of June, Skyy will sponsor a variety of high-profile events with Freedom to Marry’s national campaign director, Marc Solomon.

The brand will also host events across the country and “connect” with a number of political advocates and brand executives.

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