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US bartenders serve dyed water instead of booze

Punters at Florida’s Buccaneers stadium were served coloured water instead of alcohol over the weekend, but the venue claims the sale was an “honest mistake”.

Florida-based bartenders have served punters dyed water instead of Tequila in an “honest mistake”

As reported by the Guardian, fans of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers were outraged over the weekend when they received shots of coloured water instead of Tequila.

Troy Sykes, fan of the Miami Dolphins, the American football team that played against the Buccaneers at the weekend, told WFLA: “The ladies next to us were drinking Cuervo, and we asked for a couple of shots of Cuervo.

“When they gave them to us, we took them and they were coloured water. That’s all it was.”

The owner of the bar confirmed that Sykes had been served coloured water, but said this was an “honest mistake” and that their shots must have been poured from the bar’s display bottles.

While the bar claims it is standard procedure to fill empty alcohol bottles with tinted water for display, attorney Elizabeth DeConti told the Guardian that while the incident was most likely a mistake, it is not legal to serve water “from an alcoholic beverage bottle that has a label on it”.

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