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Mexico targets Asian markets for Tequila

China will become the second largest importer of Mexico’s national spirit, Tequila within the next five years, the Mexican president has predicted.

Mexican President Enrique Pe’a Nieto predicts China will be the second largest importer of Tequila in five years

Speaking during the celebration of the Tequila Regulatory Council’s 20th anniversary in Guadalajara, the capital of western Jalisco, President Enrique Pe’a Nieto predicted that 10 million litres of Tequila would be exported to China by 2019, The Australian reported.

Mexico exported 70,000 bottles of 100% agave Tequila to China in August 2013 when 15 Tequila producers visited the Asian country on a trade mission.

In 2013, the Mexican Tequila industry exported more than 150 million litres of Tequila, “the highest figure in history”, and is now seeking to “conquer new markets”.

“If we all do our part, it is forecast that 10 million litres of Tequila will be exported to China within five years,” said Pe’a Nieto.

He also explained the federal government is working closely with Tequila producers to ensure the authenticity of the spirit and protect the denomination of origin, which he said has been around for 40 years.

In the March issue of The Spirits Business it was reported that the rapid premiumisation of Tequila resulted in significant growth for the category in the US, which experienced a volume increase of 6.6% to 13 million cases, according to Distilled Spirits Council of the US’ (DISCUS) 10th annual market report.

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