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Last US state repeals Election Day booze ban

South Carolina has become the final US state to lift a pre-prohibition ban on Election Day alcohol sales.

No state in the US now bans the sale of alcohol on Election outright as South Carolina repeals the prohibitive law

The state’s governor Nikki Haley signed a piece of legislation yesterday revoking the law, which the Distilled Spirits Council of the US (DISCUS) described as “archaic” and “anti-business”.

“We applaud Gov. Haley and state legislators for making this effort to modernise a very outdated and confusing law that no longer makes sense in today’s economy,” said DISCUS Vice President Jay Hibbard.

“These bans literally date back to an era when saloons often served as polling stations and it was common, even expected, to serve drinks for votes.

“Repealing the ban on Election Day sales will give adult consumers the kind of modern convenience they expect in the 21st Century – whether they’re celebrating election returns or mourning them.”

Hibbard also claimed that according to economic analysis, the prohibition of alcohol sales in South Carolina cost the state’s stores US$1.1 million in revenue, and the State Treasury US$105,000 in tax.

DISCUS is now urging South Carolina legislators to lift other “blue laws” such as the ban on Sunday alcohol sales, claiming legislation such as this is “simply no longer relevant in today’s society”.

Other US states to recently pass Election Day sales include Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana, Utah, Idaho and Delaware.

Alaska and Massachusetts still have bans in place but allow local governments to opt out of them.

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