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Powdered alcohol approval issued in error

The TTB’s approval of a new powdered alcohol product that can turn water into vodka has been issued “in error”.

A federal agent has stated approval of US powdered alcohol Palcohol was issued “in error”

Reports from the last few days announced the US Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) had already approved the legal sale of powdered alcohol Palcohol.

Palcohol comes in the form of a white powder that when mixed with 148ml of water creates an alcoholic beverage.

Six flavours of Palcohol, including Vodka, Cosmopolitan, Mojito and Powderita, which is said to taste like a Margarita, were set to become available to purchase legally in the US this autumn.

But Tom Hogue, the agency’s director of congressional and public affairs, said in an email the approval had been made “in error”, according to reports from CNN Money.

However, Palcohol has stated on its website that approval has not been revoked, but there is merely a discrepancy in the brand’s labelling which has been resubmitted.

A statement posted on the Palcohol website on 21 April read: “We have been in touch with the TTB and there seemed to be a discrepancy on our fill level, how much powder is in the bag. There was a mutual agreement for us to surrender the labels.

“This doesn’t mean that Palcohol isn’t approved. It just means that these labels aren’t approved. We will re-submit labels. We don’t have an expected approval date as label approval can vary widely.”

The news comes after Palcohol gained widespread media attention following the US Government’s announcement of its approval, apparently without Palcohol realising, which resulted in the brand retracting some of its controversial advice from its website.


According to a report in The Telegraph, the brand’s marketing material included: “What’s worse than going to a concert, sporting event, etc. and having to pay $10, $15, $20 for a mixed drink with tax and tip. Are you kidding me?! Take Palcohol into the venue and enjoy a mixed drink for a fraction of the cost.”

Consumers were also encouraged to “experiment” by sprinkling Palcohol “on almost any dish” for “an extra kick”.

“Some of our favourites are the Kamikaze in guacamole, Rum on a BBQ sandwich, Cosmo on a salad and Vodka on eggs in the morning to start your day off right,” the website also advised.

“Remember, you have to add Palcohol AFTER a dish is cooked as the alcohol will burn off if you cook with it… and that defeats the whole purpose.”

Other reports tell of the website advising users to put powdered vodka on eggs in the morning to “start your day off right’, while The Verge reported the website recommended snorting Palcohol.

Palcohol said in a previous statement: “There was a page visible on this website where we were experimenting with humorous and edgy verbiage about Palcohol. It was not meant to be our final presentation of Palcohol. Also posted were labels that were incorrect.

“Even though the old verbiage was a bit edgy, we clearly stated then, and still remain adamant, that Palcohol should be used in a responsible manner.”

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