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Bacardi launches global environmental campaign

To coincide with its 152nd anniversary, Bacardi has today launched an environmental campaign across more than 150 markets.

To mark 152 years since it was founded, Bacardi has launched a global environmental campaign called Good Spirited: Building a Sustainable Future

Good Spirited: Building a Sustainable Future is being launched across more than 150 markets where Bacardi sells its brands, including 75 offices and 27 manufacturing and bottling facilities, reaching more than 6,000 employers around the world.

As part of the new campaign, employers will be able to track how environmentally friendly they are at work and at home, from turning lights off when leaving a room to driving more fuel-efficient cars.

“Protecting the natural resources we use to create our brands, at every step along the value chain is central to our corporate responsibility,” said Ed Shirley, president and CEO of Bacardi Limited. “We’ve always set the bar high. Now, we’re taking our solid, sustainable foundation to the next level.”

Bacardi has set itself three specific goals within the new campaign : responsible sourcing, global packaging and operational efficiencies.

Within those three goals, the company is striving to obtain all raw materials and packaging from sustainably sourced renewable or recycled materials, use eco-design to incorporate sustainability into its brand packaging and reduce the use of water and green house gas emissions by 55% and 50% respectively by 2017.

“Bacardi considers global environmental innovation part of its DNA,” says Eric Kraus, senior vice president and chief communications and corporate affairs officer, who leads Bacardi’s corporate social responsibility initiatives.

“Our goal is to return to the environment at least as much as we take away. We’re setting a sustainability standard for others in the spirits industry to follow.”

Last month Bacardi revealed it was on track to achieving its green targets from the last fiscal year in its latest annual corporate responsibility report.

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