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Staff given instructions for making Robert De Niro’s perfect martini

Hollywood superstar Robert De Niro has been revealed as man who likes his gin martinis to be made in a very specific way.

Robert De Niro likes a gin martini

According to the New York Post staff at New York’s DL Rooftop were given a cocktail brief titled “Robert De Niro’s cocktail request”, which set out exactly how the star likes to have his drink.
The brief read: “Bob likes gin martinis. For those, we’ll need gin, cucumbers and stemmed martini glasses. The key is just to have chilled stemmed martini glasses.
“The bartender should muddle a cucumber in the shaker and then mix with ice and gin. He or she should then shake like crazy, an extra 30-45 seconds past the way they teach you in bartending school, so that little frothy chips form.”
The instructions went on from there, adding: “No vermouth necessary.
“Don’t fill the glass all the way, only two-thirds at most so he doesn’t spill or it doesn’t get warm in his hand. You can garnish with a cucumber slice as well.”
The bar was the setting for the Tribeca Film Festival party, and De Niro co-founded the festival 12 years ago and with his old movie The King of Comedy closing the festival, it was thought he would attend the party.
The instructions also said that the star would like “a bottle of Veuve Clicquot at hand.”
In spite of the extensive preparations and work on the “little frothy chips” in the end De Niro did not make an appearance at the party; a spokesman for the actor said: “He was never scheduled to attend.”

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