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Funkin meets low-cal cocktail demand with Agave Nectar

To meet the demand for skinny cocktails in the UK on-trade, puree brand Funkin has launched a 100% organic Agave Nectar.

Funkin Agave Nectar is a mild, non-alcoholic syrup made from Mexican blue agave plants that is quickly soluble in cold liquids, and being naturally sweeter than sugar syrups, allows bartenders to use up to 40% less in cocktails.

Andrew King, chief executive of Funkin, said: “Funkin Agave Nectar has been developed in response to calls from bartenders to enhance drinks menus with a skinny offering. Our quest for quality and consistency is paramount and following extensive tests across different agave varieties, we selected the organic Mexican blue agave because it has the right balance of colour, flavour, viscosity and sweetness, best suited to making interesting and exciting drinks.”

The group is also strengthening its five-strong range of syrups, which also includes Grenadine, Passionfruit, Sugar Cane and two new flavours Mint and Vanilla, with new packaging designed specifically for bartenders’ ease of use.

Funkin Agave Nectar is available in the UK in 36cl bottles.

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